Introducing the Budget Week podcast

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Introducing a new podcast from Peterborough Currents all about the 2021 municipal budget deliberations.

On Monday November 16, 2020, citizens will have one of their last opportunities to publicly address city council regarding the 2021 draft budget. The following week, city council will sit as the finance committee to deliberate and make any changes to the budget it deems necessary. City council is scheduled to approve the budget on December 14, 2020. 

The municipal budget shapes how our city will operate for the next year and beyond — the decisions that are made during budget week range from how much funding will there be for the arts, to what money is available for public transit services, to which roads and bike trails will get a facelift.

Because of these significant decisions and because the budget poses a key exercise in how our local democracy works, Peterborough Currents is exploring the budget process over the next few weeks through this podcast and through a series of articles.

Our first episode comes out on November 16, 2020. You can subscribe in Apple Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast apps, or listen through our website.

Do you have a question or perspective about the city budget? Email us at

The music in this podcast comes courtesy of the MAYHEMINGWAYS.


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